The Struggling Reader Bundle (Series 1-5)

Sale price$179.99 CAD


The Struggling Reader Bundle is designed to take your struggling reader back to basics and build their reading confidence. 

This bundle offers an optional 30 min call with a registered teacher who can help answer any of your questions and guide you in the direction to success. 

When a reader is struggling, it's important to take a few steps back.  A combination of going back to the foundations to ensure they know how to decode and break apart words, the unique sounds of phonograms/multi-letter sounds (aka: Reading Codes) and consistency will promote growth and success.

This bundle includes:

✅  10 Books - Books 1 & 2 (Paperback & eBook)

Dirk the Bird & Dirk and Jug (er,ir,ur), Tasha Shares & Tasha at the Bus Stop (sh),Ellie the Elephant & Ellie and her Photos (ph), Benji the Beaver & Benji Says Please (ea), Cole the Mole & Cole and his Bike (bossy e)

✅   50 books extension activities (5 per book)

Each book has 5 activities directly related to the book.  This extends and solidifies learning.

✅   The Ultimate Alphabet Paperback and eBook 

This book ensures your learner knows all the sounds of the alphabet, even those soft, hard and broad letter sounds that are NOT taught in typical alphabet books. 

✅  Travel Size Poster for Each Reading Code 

A small poster for each code (er,ir,ur / sh / ph / ea / bossy e) to keep handy while learning.

✅  High Impact Word Activities for Each Reading Code - (er, ur, ir / sh / ph / ea / bossy e)

Make it & Re-Arrange it

Word Work Activities 

✅   a 30 minute discovery call with a registered teacher

Speak to a registered teacher and get guidance on how you can use this bundle to help your young learner succeed.